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"People find life entirely too time-consuming."  Stanislaw Lec

Here are a few assorted excerpts from the life of Robert Gerald Baesman here and there. Photos, projects, artwork, whatever. There's no particular rhyme or reason here. Just some things friends and family may find intersting. It's by no means complete and will change as often as I find the time to scan more stuff.

Giro di San Francisco '04

Another First Place Finish, Sept. 6, 2004

Shaun & the Velo Girls in the Women's Cat 4 race. Another 1st place finish... Shaun won! Super lead out by Cayce!
Click here for images.

Burlingame Criterium '04

June 27, 2004

A whole slew of shots taken by a friend of Shaun's from work, Francis Parchaso, at the Burlingame Criterium. He's been kind enough to allow them to be posted. As usual, all the posted photos have had their resolution reduced to be managable over the web. Let me know if you see a shot you want a blow up of, and I can get you the full size, hi-res version for printouts and the like.

ICCC Dash For Cash

The Velo Girls Ride to Victory Again, June 5, 2004

Here's a few different sizes of Shaun's dash to the finish line for a 1st place victory! The facial expressions on the 4 folks sprinting are priceless.

Memorial Day Criterium '04

The Velo Girls Ride to Victory, May 31, 2004

Shot's of Shaun & her team's race to a 1st & 2nd place finish, (Shaun took second). Great race!
Click here for images.

Monterey Circuit Race '04

Fort Ord, May 29, 2004

Shaun and I both raced on this day. Lot's of photos of me for a change as I get schooled.
Click here for images.

LA Weekend

A small road-trip down to LA to visit friends and family, Mar. 13-15, 2004

Shots from our visit with Nicky, Sonja and Kai on our trip down on Saturday. Then a visit to the Getty Musem on Sunday with sister Megan.
Click here for images.

Apple Pie Criterium

The 2004 racing season gets under way, Feb. 7, 2004

Couple shots of me warming up and in the Cat 4/5 men's race. Then a bunch of the Velo Girls in the Cat 3/4 women's.
Click here for images.

Snelling Road Race

Shaun's first bicycle road race, (38 miles), in Snelling CA, Feb. 22, 2003

  • Early Risers: Shaun and I were there bright and early at 6:30am, (following a night at a crappy hotel in Merced).
  • Team Warmup: Everyone gets the blood flowing to their legs prior to race time.
  • Shaun & Cathy: Shaun gets her heartrate up as team coach Cathy discusses strategy.
  • Support Car View: I helped out during the race by driving our car as a support vehicle. All the orchards were in bloom!
  • One Tough Mama: Early on in the race, Shaun hit a big chunk of loose asphalt in the road and went down! However, she got back up again and managed to bike 36 or so more miles to finish the race, (still kicking the butts of some stragglers from the pack). Here she is after the race showing off her war wounds.
  • Velo Girls!: Here's the chunk of the team that showed up to race and support that day. Jill, 4th from the left, came in 1st from a field of over 60 women! Great Day!
Additional pictures of the race can be found at Fleeting Moment Photography.

Engineering Ski Trip

A crew of us from work took a Wednesday off, (Feb. 19, 2003), and headed up to the Sierra Nevada to ski and snowboard in the winter wonderland of Kirkwood

  • Up the Hill: Jia and Eng-Shien ride up the lift as the snow swirls
  • Ripping it Up!: Jia carves a wicked turn down the hill, (after recovering from the shock of the hills steepness)
  • Mr. Burton Himself: Mike looks stylish in the snow
  • Waitin': Rob and Eng-Shien chill at the bottom of the hill while the others work their way down
  • Lunchbreak: The whole gang at lunch, (Pierre, Bryan, Jia, Rob, Mike, Jenny, Eng-Shien)
  • In Her Element: Jenny relaxes in her natural winter habitat
  • Backside of the Mountain: We all discovered the best part of the area was the backside of the mountain. Here Jenny carves her way down virtually un-tracked powder.
  • On top of the World: I think we should do this every Wednesday
  • Back on the Bus: Jia, Bryan and Mike contemplate the films they'd show us on the 6 hour drive back home.
Additional pictures of the trip can be found on Mike Burton's website.

Ireland Trip

A few snaps from a business trip to Ireland in late Oct. 2002

  • Group Shot with DHL (10/2002): Our integration team and the friendly folks at the DHL Dublin Hub.
  • Newgrange (10/26/2002): A weekend trip I made to Newgrange - a prehistorical burial mound about an hour north of Dublin. Sunlight penetrates the inner chamber of the mound just once a year: dawn at the winter solstice.
  • Rob at Newgrange (10/26/2002): A shot of me next to this 3200 BC monument
  • Dublin Castle (10/2002): A courtyard in the castle at the heard of Dublin
  • Glendalough (11/3/2002): This 6th century monestary is South of Dublin in the Wicklow Mountains. I stopped there on my way back to Dublin after a weekend in the south at Kilkenny before returning to the states.
  • Malhide Waterfront (11/3/2002): Boats in the harbor at Malhide, a pleasant fishing village and now posh suburb north of Dublin. Notice the hint of a rainbow in the upper right. I ate in Malhide on a couple occasions, and went walking here on the beach on my last evening in Ireland.
Overlooking Hore's Abby from the Rock of Cashel


Our recently acquired kitty-cat Anakin. He's about 3 years old and quite beefy, (about 17lbs currently). We adoped from Palo Alto Animal Services in Oct. 2002, and he's gradually adjusting to his new home. What's unique about him is that he's missing about 30% of his left leg. Rather traumatic injury of his past it appears. But he's very sweet, and is gradually becoming less scared of everything ;-)

San Mateo Co Housing

Until recently, Shaun and myself lived in the San Mateo Co Housing Community, a wonderful group of like minded enviro-leftist-hippie types. We eventually decided to move on to our own space to pursue other interests, but still have many fond memories of the place. Here are some people, places and events of the community.

  • Group Photo (summer 2002): A happy gathering of SMCC folk. Back row: Alpesh, Shaun, Rebecca, Brian, Jeff, Michelle. Front Row: Clay, Sanda, Todd, Rob, Darcee, Sara
  • 3am World Cup Action! (summer 2002): Shaun, Alpesh, Todd and myself (no pictured), up bright and early for the World Cup Football (soccer) Championship game.
  • Party on the Doc (summer 2002): A number of my friends from my Engineering group at work at a little gathering down on the community dock. Clearly visible in the picture, from left to right are: Matt, Jenny, Terry, Kleber and Lance
  • Garden (summer 2002): The green-house, garlic-bed and ornamental "stump" bed, bathed in summer sun.
SMCC sitting down to a Tuesday evening meal together

Shaun & Rob Wedding, Jun. 24, 2000

After being together as a couple for well over 5 years, Shaun & Rob tied the knot in the Summer of 2000. The venue was the Marin Headlands, overlooking the mouth of the San Francisco Bay, just north of the city on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge. These pictures have extra meaning now as most were taken by Shaun's late father, Dave. We are so glad we were all able to spend this wonderful day together with family and friends.

Fritz Baesman, Dave Wilon & Val Paulson with stylish napkin hats